In this article, we discuss the relationship between a high-speed continuous ink jet system and the printing substrate. Nonabsorbent materials, with different surface topographies were used to evaluate the importance of the droplet impact and spreading without capillary penetration. Commercial papers were also used to evaluate the potential of the existing grades, and to find their essential performance parameters. A laboratory scale testing environment was used for the high-speed imaging of ink jet drops. The impact, spreading, absorption, and drying of the ink droplets on the samples can be observed and analyzed in this testing environment on the time scale of microseconds up to several minutes. The image technical performance of the samples was measured with an image analysis system which was specially designed for the analysis of print quality with non-impact printing techniques.
Jali Heilmann, Ulf Lindqvist, "Significance of Paper Properties on Print Quality in Continuous Ink Jet Printing" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2000, pp 495 - 499,