Quantum sensitivity is an important emulsion property for photographic image formation and is usually calculated from a fraction of grains developable vs. log exposure curve (F-log E curve). A new method, residual grain size analysis using the electrolytic grain-size analyzer (EGSA) to detect undeveloped grains, has been developed that will allow one to readily obtain Flog E curves for each grain size class in polydisperse emulsions. The correctness of the F-log E curve derived by this new method has been examined by comparing the F-log E curve with that calculated from the normalized D-log E curve in the case of monodisperse emulsions. The problems in EGSA measurement, such as noise and emulsion removal from film base, which affect the accuracy of F-log E curves derived by such a method, have been solved and are discussed in detail. The method has been applied to the case of an emulsion with a bimodal grain size distribution.
Zhenhuan Wen, A. Gary DiFrancesco, Richard Hailstone, "A New Approach to Measuring the Fraction of Grains Developable for Polydisperse Emulsions" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2000, pp 257 - 264, https://doi.org/10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2000.44.3.art00012