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Volume: 43 | Article ID: art00009
Break-up of Continuous Liquid Jets: Effect of Nozzle Geometry
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.1999.43.2.art00009  Published OnlineMarch 1999

In this article we present the results obtained on jet break-up using two types of nozzles having the same nozzle aspect ratio but exhibiting different entry and exit holes. To further emphasize the effect of nozzle geometry, we use two different stimulations of the jet, respectively a piezoelectric transducer located upstream the orifice and an ElectroHydroDynamic (EHD) exciter that consists of an electrode situated downstream from the nozzle. The different measurement techniques used are essentially a stroboscopic illumination of the jet and a laser photometry method. These two methods allow us to obtain information on both the break-up lengths and the spatial evolution of the jet shape. Spectral analysis combined with the laser photometric method shows the evolution of Fourier amplitudes of the jet radius and phase shifts between the fundamental and the harmonics for low and high initial perturbations. In particular, this method reveals drastic differences between nozzles that may be ascribed to the drop formation behavior of jets.

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B. Lopez, A. Soucemarianadin, P. Attané, "Break-up of Continuous Liquid Jets: Effect of Nozzle Geometryin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  1999,  pp 145 - 152,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 1999
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