The photoluminescent emission of AgCl dispersions doped with small concentrations of γAgI and Imn− clusters has been investigated. Heterogeneous γAgI phases exist within the cubic AgCl host lattice to provide enhanced photographic properties. The spatial correlation diagram involving recombination energy at peak photoluminescence wavelength for βAgI (wurtzite) and γ (sphalerite) AgI versus the silver iodide cluster diameter allowed the calculation of the αAgI incorporated cluster diameter within a cubic AgCl dispersion. The competition for the conduction band electron by the bound hole on the iodide sites with the dopant is noted by the quenching of the photoluminescence. The (LUMO) lowest unoccupied level of the iodide species is positioned very close to the bottom of the conduction band. The incorporation of 0.30 M% soluble KI or 4.30 M/V% at 93% of the crystal growth provides a maximum speed position and significant change in the spectral band profile correlating with the structures of γAgI. The Imn− clusters observed at longer wavelengths were assigned to 2 Imn− dimers that relate only indirectly to the photographic process.
S. H. Ehrlich, J. Edwards, "Photoluminescent Quantum Clusters of γAgI and Imn− in Iodide-Doped AgCl Systems" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 1999, pp 15 - 29,