We improved the incomplete chromatic adaptation model proposed by Fairchild to reproduce facial pattern images under various illuminants. We introduced weighting coefficients in the modified fundamental chromaticities of the adapting stimulus used in the Fairchild model to improve the color reproduction. Psychophysical experiments using memory matching technique were performed to select the optimum weighting coefficients of adapting stimulus for facial pattern images. The improved model with the optimum coefficients was compared with other color appearance models, von Kries, RLAB, LLAB, and colorimetric color reproduction under three illuminants; illuminant A (2837 K), Daylight (6047 K) and Cool White (3957 K). As a result, it was shown that the improved model performed significantly well for facial pattern images if compared with other models.
Francisco Hideki Imai, Norimichi Tsumura, Hideaki Haneishi, Yoichi Miyake, "Improvement of Incomplete Chromatic Adaptation Model for Facial Pattern Images" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 1998, pp 264 - 268, https://doi.org/10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.1998.42.3.art00011