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Special Section: “Holography I”
Volume: 41 | Article ID: art00005
From Lippmann Photography to Selectograms via White Light Holography
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.1997.41.3.art00005  Published OnlineMay 1997

We consider the method of reference-free selectograms that allows obtaining 3-D holographic images of objects illuminated by natural light. The method of reference-free selectograms is based on the phenomenon that is relative to the phenomenon being the base for Lippmann color photography. In this connection, the reference-free selectogram method, the Lippmann color photography method, the method of 3-D reflection holograms, and the local reference beam generated hologram method are analyzed and compared. Like the Lippmann color photograph, the reference-free selectogram represents the recording of a picture of standing waves resulting from the interference of the object wave with its “twin”—the wave that is split off from the object wave with the help of an optical element. The methods differ in the direction of the propagation of the twin wave. In the Lippmann color photograph, this wave is formed by means of a mirror and propagates in the direction opposite to the object wave. For the reference-free selectogram case, the twin wave is formed with the help of a diffraction grating and is directed in the same way with the object wave direction. We show that both in the Lippmann photography and in the reference-free selectogram the main information on the angular distribution of the intensity of the radiation recorded is contained in a thin layer that fits snugly to the surface of the optical element. The thickness of this layer is of the order of several microns. However, the information on the fine details of an object is spread in depth by the order of several millimeters.

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Yuri N. Denisyuk, "From Lippmann Photography to Selectograms via White Light Holographyin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  1997,  pp 205 - 210,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 1997
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