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Volume: 41 | Article ID: art00011
Algorithm for Face Extraction Based on Lip Detection
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.1997.41.1.art00011  Published OnlineJanuary 1997

This paper proposes a new and simple algorithm for face extraction from a color image. The approach detects the lip region in a face object. First, the lip- and skin-color pixels in an image are extracted on the basis of statistical probability analysis. These lip- and skin-color pixels are segmented separately by using binary image processing techniques to produce lip- and skin-color regions. Each region that has a skin-color region and one or more lip-color regions as its subset regions is nominated as a face candidate. To detect only the face objects from the face candidates, the algorithm evaluates the values of seven pattern variables of those face candidates. A face candidate with all its seven pattern variable values within the valid range values of face object class is detected as a face object. Verifications of the proposed algorithm were provided by the experimental results that gave 91.8% detection of face objects from 104 sample images. This is significant for locating or detecting the faces in color images.

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Demas Sanger, Yoichi Miyake, Hideaki Haneishi, Norimichi Tsumura, "Algorithm for Face Extraction Based on Lip Detectionin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  1997,  pp 71 - 80,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 1997
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