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Volume: 40 | Article ID: art00008
Jet, Wave, and Droplet Velocities for a Continuous Fluid Jet
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.1996.40.5.art00008  Published OnlineSeptember 1996

This paper presents data showing the relationship of the jet velocity VJ, the wave velocity Vw = λf, and the droplet velocity Vd of a continuous, stimulated jet emanating from an orifice in a thin, flat plate. The jet velocity measurement is nontrivially derived from the flow rate, as the jet diameter D is a function of VJ due to the presence of a dynamical meniscus at the orifice-jet boundary; λ is the measured wavelength of the surface deformation imposed on the jet at a frequency, f. The droplet velocity is measured in a straightforward fashion. We find good agreement between the measured values for λf and those calculated from the simple velocity potential theory for cylindrical jets for λ/D < π. However, the same theory predicts λf = VJ and VJ > Vd for λ/D > π, which we do not find to be strictly true. A possible factor for this discrepancy is that the surface deformation along the length of the stimulated jet is monotonically increasing in amplitude, culminating in droplet formation and break-off. This finding strongly violates the assumption of a uniform and infinitesimal deformation in the simple theory.

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Randy Fagerquist, "Jet, Wave, and Droplet Velocities for a Continuous Fluid Jetin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  1996,  pp 405 - 411,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 1996
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