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Volume: 40 | Article ID: art00004
Rheological, Thermomechanical, and Viscoelastic Requirements of an Ink-Jet Phase-Change Ink for an Offset Printing Process
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.1996.40.5.art00004  Published OnlineSeptember 1996

This paper details the development of an ink-jet phase-change ink for a drum-based offset printing process. The offset printing process is based on a page-wide printhead delivering molten ink droplets on demand to a heated intermediate drum surface. The ink is then fused and transferred (transfixed) to the final print medium. The transfixed ink must exhibit sufficient flexibility and durability such that it does not crack or flake off when the print is folded or creased. The ink was formulated to have specific fluidic properties for ink-jet printing. Compression testing was performed on an MTS SINTECH 2/D to tailor the ink formulation for desired compressive and yield stress properties. In addition, dynamic mechanical analyses were carried out to determine the dynamic moduli, glass transition temperature, and tan δ of the ink. The optimized ink represents a formulation customized for high-temperature jetting and an offset printing process.

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Loc Bui, Harold Frame, Wayne Jaeger, Don Titterington, "Rheological, Thermomechanical, and Viscoelastic Requirements of an Ink-Jet Phase-Change Ink for an Offset Printing Processin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  1996,  pp 386 - 389,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 1996
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