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Volume: 40 | Article ID: art00015
The Mechanism of Ghost Formation in a Nonmagnetic Single-Component Process
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.1996.40.4.art00015  Published OnlineJuly 1996

In a contact single-component (CSC) development system, uniformity of development ability for halftone images is quite significant. In the use of a development roller having relatively high resistance (over 1012 Ωcm) a significant “ghost” phenomenon is observed. In a four-step color printing process for pictorial fullcolor images, this phenomenon will emphasize fluctuation of the image density and spoil its quality. We have studied the transition and the control of the charge distribution on the surface of the development roller. We obtained the optimal condition for stabilizing the surface potential of the development roller by contacting it with a biased conductive brush, with the bias voltage applied to the conductive brush being far higher than that of the development roller. In this study the ghost mechanism and solutions for the above system are reviewed.

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Katsuhiro Aoki, Hiroyuki Matsushiro, Koji Sakamoto, "The Mechanism of Ghost Formation in a Nonmagnetic Single-Component Processin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  1996,  pp 359 - 363,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 1996
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