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Volume: 40 | Article ID: art00013
Electron-Transporting Polymers Having Side-Chain Fluorene Derivatives for Use as N-Type Organic Photoreceptors
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.1996.40.2.art00013  Published OnlineMarch 1996

Polymers having a fluorene derivative, a homopolymer of 4-vinylbenzyl-9-dicyanomethylenefluorene-4-carboxylate and its copolymer with butyl acrylate or butyl methacrylate, were prepared as charge transport materials for electrophotography, and their electrical properties were measured. A monomer was prepared from 9-dicyanomethylenefluorene-4-carboxylic acid and 4-chloromethylstyrene. Polymerization was carried out using a radical initiator in a nitrogen atmosphere. These polymers were soluble in organic solvents such as THF, methylene chloride, chloroform, and DMF. All of the polymers showed two reversible redox potentials around −0.59 to −0.61 and −1.15 to −1.17 V versus Ag/AgCl electrode. The copolymers had high light sensitivities with a half-decay exposure of about 0.4 lux-s and a high electron drift mobility of 3.46 × 10−6 cm2 Vs at the electric field of 4.27 × 105 V/cm.

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Jae-Ho Sim, Kenji Ogino, Hisaya Sato, Yuanhu Pei, "Electron-Transporting Polymers Having Side-Chain Fluorene Derivatives for Use as N-Type Organic Photoreceptorsin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  1996,  pp 164 - 167,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 1996
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