A novel system has been developed to improve the quality of video printing. The fully automatic improvement is based on a model of image degradation in the video coding and recording process. The scheme consists of six methods: temporal filtering of subcarrier residuals, smoothing of horizontal color noise, reducing vertical incorrect colorings, sharpening color transitions along horizontal lines, increasing color saturation, and compensating the gamma correction in the camera. The printed results show significant improvements in the image quality. The quality achieved is sufficient to enable video printing of cost-critical low-end products. The system is in use in a Finnish repro and printing house. Although the methods were developed for S-video, they can be modified to work with normal composite video.
Caj Södergård, "Model-Based Improvement of The Color Quality of S-Video Printing" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 1996, pp 30 - 41, https://doi.org/10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.1996.40.1.art00008