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Volume: 36 | Article ID: MOBMU-311
ACES Color Workflow in Unreal Engine 5
  DOI :  10.2352/EI.2024.36.3.MOBMU-311  Published OnlineJanuary 2024

ACES is a standardized color management system widely used in the film and visual effects industry to ensure consistent and accurate color reproduction throughout the production pipeline. Integrating ACES into game engines like Unreal Engine could have significant benefits, especially for game developers who want to achieve high-quality, consistent color representation across different platforms and displays. Game developers can achieve heightened visual fidelity by leveraging ACES in Unreal Engine 5, especially concerning wide color gamuts and high dynamic range (HDR) content. The standardized color management system allows cross-platform development, guaranteeing consistent color reproduction on various devices and display technologies. Moreover, Unreal Engine 5's support for ACES facilitates seamless collaboration with other creative industries that utilize this industry-standard color pipeline. However, implementing ACES in a real-time engine presents unique challenges regarding performance optimization and ensuring compatibility with other game engines. Artists and developers may need to adapt their workflows to accommodate ACES color transforms, impacting the art pipeline and user-generated content. This paper uses ACES to investigate color input and output consistency to and from Epic Games Unreal 5 regarding Wide Color Gamut and High Dynamic Range imagery.

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Eberhard Hasche, Reiner Creutzburg, "ACES Color Workflow in Unreal Engine 5in Electronic Imaging,  2024,  pp 311-1 - 311-12,

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