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Volume: 36 | Article ID: SDA-344
Optical Aberration Analysis of Light Field Displays: A Calibration Approach for Enhanced Performance
  DOI :  10.2352/EI.2024.36.2.SDA-344  Published OnlineJanuary 2024

Aberrations in the optical system of a light field (LF) display can degrade its quality and affect the focusing effects in the retinal image, formed by the superposition of multiperspective LF views. To address this problem, we propose a method for calibrating and correcting aberrated LF displays. We employ an LF display optical model to subsequently derive the retinal image formation with a given LF input. This enables us to efficiently measure actual viewpoint locations and the deformation of each perspective image, by capturing focal-stack images during the calibration process. We then use the calibration coefficients to pre-warp the input images so that the aberrations are compensated. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on a simulated model of an aberrated near-eye LF display and show that it improves the display's optical quality and the accuracy of the focusing effects.

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Qi Zhang, Yuta Miyanishi, Erdem Sahin, Atanas Gotchev, "Optical Aberration Analysis of Light Field Displays: A Calibration Approach for Enhanced Performancein Electronic Imaging,  2024,  pp 344-1 - 344-6,

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