We report measurement methods and metrics for the evaluation of dynamic vision sensor (DVS) pixels. In particular, we developed automated test environments and test metrics which can quantify the sensitivity, latency and background noise of DVS pixels. For sensitivity measurements, response probabilities of pixels were analyzed at various conditions, such as base light intensity and region of interests of a sensor. Pixel latency was measured by varying the duty of light pulse, and noise level were also characterized at different light intensities. We expect the developed methods and metrics can help to clarify the performance of DVS pixels at the user point of view.
Raeyoung Kim, Jun-seok Kim, Junhyuk Park, Paul K.J. Park, Jaeha Park, Chunghwan Park, Inchun Lim, Seongwook Song, Juhyun Ko, "Development of DVS evaluation methods from user perspective" in Electronic Imaging, 2023, pp 346--1 - 346-4, https://doi.org/10.2352/EI.2023.35.6.ISS-346