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Volume: 35 | Article ID: ISS-340
Improvement of a facial recognition system based on one shot camera
  DOI :  10.2352/EI.2023.35.6.ISS-340  Published OnlineJanuary 2023

In recent years, one-shot cameras that integrate Multispectral Filter Arrays (MSFA) are used to acquire multispectral images. In a previous paper, we have proposed a multispectral image recognition system based on this type of camera. The images acquired with these cameras are then demosaiced. Multispectral facial images acquired with our MSFA one-shot camera present information redundancy which leads to a strong correlation between bands. A dimensionality reduction is necessary to reduce information redundancy. Dimensionality reduction is a set of techniques that allow to project an initial image of dimension n into a final image of dimension p, while preserving its relevant information. This paper proposes an improvement of facial recognition system using the Multispectral Filter Array one shot camera. A dimensionality reduction module has been added to the system. A comparison of the performance of different dimensionality reduction methods based on the eigenvalues, and VGG19 classification results are conducted. Experimental results on the EXIST database made up with our camera indicate a good decorrelation of the bands leading to the reduction of bands from eight to three with the Karhuen-Love transform an accuracy of 100% with VGG19 and a 15 % gain in processing time.

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Médégnonmi Eléonore Elvire Houssou, Amadou Tidjani Sanda Mahama, Pierre Gouton, Guy Degla, "Improvement of a facial recognition system based on one shot camerain Electronic Imaging,  2023,  pp 340-1 - 340-6,

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Electronic Imaging
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