The Stereoscopic Displays and Applications Conference (SD&A) focuses on developments covering the entire stereoscopic 3D imaging pipeline from capture, processing, and display to perception. The conference brings together practitioners and researchers from industry and academia to facilitate an exchange of current information on stereoscopic imaging topics. The highly popular conference demonstration session provides authors with a perfect additional opportunity to showcase their work. The long-running SD&A 3D Theater Session provides conference attendees with a wonderful opportunity to see how 3D content is being created and exhibited around the world. Publishing your work at SD&A offers excellent exposure—across all publication outlets, SD&A has the highest proportion of papers in the top 100 cited papers in the stereoscopic imaging field (Google Scholar, May 2013).
"Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXXIV Conference Overview and Papers Program" in Electronic Imaging, 2023, pp A02-1 - A02-11,