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Volume: 35 | Article ID: SDA-225
Incidence of stereo blindness in a recent VR distance perception user study
  DOI :  10.2352/EI.2023.35.2.SDA-225  Published OnlineJanuary 2023

Estimates of stereo-blindness, the inability to see in 3D using stereopsis, often sit in the 5-10% range. At the Curtin University HIVE visualization facility, we regularly show stereoscopic content. During those demonstrations we invariably show a test random dot stereogram and it’s been our casual observation that the incidence of stereo-blindness amongst visits has been much lower than the 5-10% figure, perhaps as low as 2%. Our thought was that perhaps eye care has improved since the time that the original stereo-blindness studies were performed. A VR based user study was recently run in the HIVE, as part of a PhD project, with an aim to study distance perception in underwater virtual heritage experiences. Distance perception is facilitated by a range of visual cues, including stereoscopic vision, and as a result we screened participants for stereo-blindness. Using a standardized stereo test, we found approximately 5% of participants reported as stereo blind. This presentation will provide some background on stereo-blindness, and discuss issues related to measuring stereo-blindness and its likely prevalence in the general population. It will also provide an early look at the VR based user study investigating distance perception in underwater virtual heritage experiences.

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Michael Wiebrands, Andrew J. Woods, Hugh Riddell, "Incidence of stereo blindness in a recent VR distance perception user studyin Electronic Imaging,  2023,  pp 225-1 - 225-5,

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