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Volume: 34 | Article ID: MOBMU-397
Simulation of hybrid renewable systems in rural areas
  DOI :  10.2352/EI.2022.34.3.MOBMU-397  Published OnlineJanuary 2022

The hybridization of renewable energy resources is a known topic in sustainable technology. Many projects are going on based on the topic. The use of Photovoltaic, wind energy, and other renewable resources can be helpful to optimize the load in the utility grid. Countries like Europe and other western countries have electricity storage, whether the developing countries are still struggling to make sure the stable utility grid connection to the distribution network system. In this research, we would like to discuss the different energy production processes sustainably. As we know, the energy sources are volatile and cannot always assure stable production to keep the requirements or demand properly. We want to use the combination of the sources in a way so that we can make the balance between the demand and the supply system. This research will be an overview in terms of technical and financial sites. Also, by using the different combinations of the Internet of things and data analysis method, we will see the correlation between the different sources and their production. Based on the production data, we can determine the financial feasibility and the outcome of the system. The main problem of renewable energy sources is uncertainty. In terms of wind energy, the velocity is also not stable according to the location. We want to show a predictive model by using the intelligent formula by which we can maintain the hybrid system. The production data from different sources will tell us their contribution to the system. This contribution will help us monitor the system and control which sources have more contribution on the demand side. The predictive model will have consisted of renewable sources such as photovoltaic, wind, utility grid, and inverter systems. In the research, the tool such as Artificial Intelligence can be implemented by sustainable management. The arrangement information is prepared to extricate data and based on resources. The renewable sources data are variant according to their location and it has an impact in terms of energy production. Data acquisition and analysis could help the current technologies such as smart grid, microgrid, and their control systems. This exploration aims to introduce a predictive foundation for the management of enormous volumes of data through large Information instruments (sensors) to help the coordination of environmentally friendly power. The main difference between the conventional electricity system and the renewable energy system is the variability of sources, with conventional sources such as utility grids and diesel generators and renewable sources consisting of photovoltaic (PV), wind, etc.

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Saiful Islam, Mathieu David, Michael Hartmann, Reiner Creutzburg, "Simulation of hybrid renewable systems in rural areasin Electronic Imaging,  2022,  pp 397-1 - 397-8,

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