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Volume: 34 | Article ID: SDA-310
360° see-through full-parallax light-field display using Holographic Optical Elements
  DOI :  10.2352/EI.2022.34.2.SDA-310  Published OnlineJanuary 2022

We propose a see-through cylindrical full-parallax light-field display which is viewable from all around 360 degrees. A rotating cylindrical surface created by the Holographic Optical Elements (HOE) provides a see-through image that enables multiple observers to view it with the real background scene without using any specific glasses. A high-speed projector is employed to realize this time-division projection system. It is set on the bottom of the display and directed towards a hyperboloid mirror which is placed on the top of the display. The rays projected from the projector is reflected by the hyperboloid mirror and the rays are incident on the rotating HOE surface. Then, as the cylindrical surface rotates, the rays are scanned horizontally and vertically by the HOE surface. Since the HOE has angular and wavelength selectivity, the rays from the projector is diffracted strongly. Otherwise, the rays from the real scene will not be diffracted by the HOE. Therefore, the proposed display achieves see-through, full-parallax and wide viewing zone. Furthermore, we performed computer simulation to verify the principle.

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Reiji Nakashima, Tomohiro Yendo, "360° see-through full-parallax light-field display using Holographic Optical Elementsin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications,  2022,  pp 310-1 - 310-4,

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Electronic Imaging
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