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Volume: 33 | Article ID: art00002
Understanding the importance of Artistic Aspect of Camera Image Quality Tuning and Quantifying the Artistic Attributes by using Scientific Principles
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2021.9.IQSP-196  Published OnlineJanuary 2021

The camera tuning process contains multiple stages under the image signal processing (ISP) pipeline through which the RAW image gets processed and displayed. The objective image quality is well defined and important when tuning the color imaging pipeline in the Camera. The ISP pipeline is tuned by optimizing objective criteria, resulting image and video may not be aesthetically appealing to end-users and may not be sufficient to provide the best visual experience. There are certain key artistic factors affecting the overall user experience in the process of ISP pipeline tuning. However, currently there is no industry standard for artistic image quality (IQ) quantification and is mostly based on expert based subjective evaluation. In this paper, we emphasize the importance of artistic attributes and to quantify them with two studies. First study focusses on importance of artistic attribute by two alternate forced choice pairwise comparison user study on artistic vs objective tuning. Based on this study, artistic tuning is statistically significantly better than objective tuning with 95% confidence interval based on fisher least significant difference test. Second study develop a method to quantify holistic IQ. The novel mathematical equation has been formulated to calculate the weight of different IQ attributes which are impacting on overall IQ as a first step. Rank based user study was performed on expert and nonexpert users to find their preference on different attributes with the use of novel mathematical equation. In this equation, user preferences were converted into weights of artistic attributes in the holistic IQ. The study shows that color saturation and memory color attributes have higher impact for both expert and non-expert user with weightage of 14.04% and 13.62% in holistic IQ, respectively. This study validates the importance of the artistic approach and our first step to quantify these artistic attributes in a scientific way. It also exhibits the need of a novel image quality assessment criteria to tune and validate the final visual experience of the consumer camera. Especially, in the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), quantifying artistic attributes is far more important than ever.

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Vickrant Zunjarrao, Ranga Burada, Sharvin Shobhane, Lekha Lokhande, T. T. Anusha Devi, "Understanding the importance of Artistic Aspect of Camera Image Quality Tuning and Quantifying the Artistic Attributes by using Scientific Principlesin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Image Quality and System Performance XVIII,  2021,  pp 196-1 - 196-7,

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