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Volume: 33 | Article ID: art00002
Generative Design For Creators – The Impact Of Data Driven Visualization And Processing In The Field Of Creative Business
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2021.3.MOBMU-022  Published OnlineJune 2021

In how far can algorithms take care of your creative work? Generative design is currently changing our conventional understanding of design in its basic principles. For decades, design was a handmade issue and postproduction a job for highly specialized professionals. Generative Design nowadays has become a popular instrument for creating artwork, models and animations with programmed algorithms. By using simple languages such as JavaScript’s p5.js and Processing based on Java, artists and makers can create everything from interactive typography and textiles to 3D-printed products to complex infographics. Computers are not only able to provide images, but also generate variations and templates in a professional quality. Pictures are being pre-optimized, processed and issued by algorithms. The profession of a designers will become more and more that of a director or conductor at the human-computer-interface. What effects does generative design have on the future creative field of designers? To find an answer to this complex field we analyze several examples of projects from a range of international designers and fine arts as well as commercial projects. In an exercise I will guide you step-by-step through a tutorial for creating your own visual experiments that explore possibilities in color, form and images.

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Julia Schnitzer, "Generative Design For Creators – The Impact Of Data Driven Visualization And Processing In The Field Of Creative Businessin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Mobile Devices and Multimedia: Technologies, Algorithms & Applications,  2021,  pp 22-1 - 22-6,

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