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Volume: 33 | Article ID: art00002
Single Chip Auto-Valet Parking System with TDA4VMID SoC
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2021.17.AVM-113  Published OnlineJanuary 2021

Auto-Valet parking is a key emerging function for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) enhancing traditional surround view system providing more autonomy during parking scenario. Auto-Valet parking system is typically built using multiple HW components e.g. ISP, micro-controllers, FPGAs, GPU, Ethernet/PCIe switch etc. Texas Instrument’s new Jacinto7 platform is one of industry’s highest integrated SoC replacing these components with a single TDA4VMID chip. The TDA4VMID SoC can concurrently do analytics (traditional computer vision as well as deep learning) and sophisticated 3D surround view, making it a cost effective and power optimized solution. TDA4VMID is a truly heterogeneous architecture and it can be programmed using an efficient and easy to use OpenVX based middle-ware framework to realize distribution of software components across cores. This paper explains typical functions for analytics and 3D surround view in auto-valet parking system with data-flow and its mapping to multiple cores of TDA4VMID SoC. Auto-valet parking system can be realized on TDA4VMID SOC with complete processing offloaded of host ARM to the rest of SoC cores, providing ample headroom for customers for future proofing as well as ability to add customer specific differentiation.

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Mihir Mody, Kedar Chitnis, Hemant Hariyani, Shyam Jagannathan, Jason Jones, Gregory Shurtz, Abhishek Shankar, Ankur, Mayank Mangla, Sriramakrishnan Govindarajan, Aish Dubey, Kai Chirca, "Single Chip Auto-Valet Parking System with TDA4VMID SoCin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Autonomous Vehicles and Machines,  2021,  pp 113-1 - 113-6,

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