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Volume: 33 | Article ID: art00008
Exploring the Facial Color Representative Regions Using the Humanae Images
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2020.64.6.060406  Published OnlineNovember 2020

It is difficult to describe facial skin color through a solidcolor as it varies from region to region. In this article, the authors utilized image analysis to identify the facial color representative region. A total of 1052 female images from Humanae project were selected as a solid color was generated for each image as their representative skin colors by the photographer. Using the open CV-based libraries, such as EOS of Surrey Face Models and DeepFace, 3448 facial landmarks together with gender and race information were detected. For an illustrative and intuitive analysis, they then re-defined 27 visually important sub-regions to cluster the landmarks. The 27 sub-region colors for each image were finally derived and recorded in L*, a*, and b*. By estimating the color difference among representative color and 27 sub-regions, we discovered that sub-regions of below lips (low Labial) and central cheeks (upper Buccal) were the most representative regions across four major ethnicity groups. In future study, the methodology is expected to be applied for more image sources. c 2020 Society for Imaging Science and Technology.

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Yuchun Yan, Hayan Choi, Hyeon-Jeong Suk, "Exploring the Facial Color Representative Regions Using the Humanae Imagesin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Computer Vision and Image Analysis of Art,  2020,  pp 60406-1 - 60406-7,

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