Look Modification Transforms (LMTs) are a very powerful component of the Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) and offer extraordinary flexibility in ACES-based workflows. In ACES, the look of a project can be defined by a Look Transform, previously referred to as a Look Modification
Transform, or LMT, applied before the Output Transform. The advantage of this approach is that technically the Look Transform should not have to change regardless of whether the Output Transform chosen is for [1].
The Academy Technical Bulletin TB-2014-10 describes the application
of a Look Transform using the Academy Common LUT Format (CLF). Since CLF is not yet widely supported, any look applied using a LUT or grading operation, which spans an entire scene or show, and is used in series with per-shot adjustments can be considered to be a Look Transform. Therefore
the import and export to other programs and color pipelines like 8 bit image processing programs, as well as video and film cameras, are of particular importance [1].
This paper aims to discuss the possibilities of importing and exporting Rec.709-coded imagery into the Foundry's
Nuke 12 ACEScg workspace using the OCIO ACES1.1 configuration. Presented are the implemented Rec.709 transforms and possible alternatives. We also discuss the behavior of transforms concerning processing the transfer function (gamma) and color conversion of primaries and their complementary