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Volume: 32 | Article ID: art00003
Depth sensitivity investigation on multi-view glasses-free 3D display
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2020.2.SDA-012  Published OnlineJanuary 2020

Compared with the 2-view 3D display, the multiview 3D display provides more views to the observers, which allows a stereoscopic perception relatively closer to real viewing condition. Depth sensitivity (DS) on multi-view 3D display has not been investigated with respect to view number and stimulus contents. A lenticular glasses-free 3D display with alternative view numbers (2 views and 28 views) was used as the test platform. Two types of stimulus were implemented for DS investigation, including random dot stereogram (RDS) and contour stereogram (CS). 20 adults (22.8 ±2.1 years old) with normal vision participated in the experiment. Experimental results showed that the DS on 2-view display mode was consistent with that measured with the conventional DS test (t-ratio = 0.2560, P=0.8569). Besides, the DS was significantly better for 28-view display mode, compared with 2- view display mode (t-ratio = 4.326, P<0.0001). For the influence of stimulus type, subjects were able to perceive more precise depth information with the RDS (t-ratio=2.023, P=0.0422), compared with the CS. The proposed investigation indicates that depth perception is closely related to view numbers and stimulus content, the proposed investigation provides essential cues for the choice of view numbers and contents to achieve the desired perception effect.

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Di Zhang, Xinzhu Sang, Peng Wang, "Depth sensitivity investigation on multi-view glasses-free 3D displayin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXXI,  2020,  pp 12-1 - 12-7,

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