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Volume: 32 | Article ID: art00008
New results for aperiodic, clustered-dot halftoning
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2020.15.COLOR-195  Published OnlineJanuary 2020

FM (Frequency modulation) halftoning (aperiodic and dispersed-dots) is increasingly popular with traditional analog offset lithographic printing. There is a desire from customers in the commercial market to use this capability with high-end digital presses based on electrophotographic printing (EP) technologies. However, the inherent instability of the EP process challenges the achievement of satisfactory print quality with dispersed-dot, aperiodic halftoning. The direct binary search (DBS) algorithm is widely considered to represent the gold standard of dispersed-dot, aperiodic halftone image quality. In this paper, we continue our previous efforts to adapt DBS from dispersed-dots to clustered-dots to use with the Indigo liquid EP printing technology; we present a new screen design algorithm for aperiodic, clustered-dot halftoning based on Direct Bineary Search. Our screen design has a very good detail rendering capability and very stable halftone frequency overall. The halftone texture after applying screen is even better than directly using our previous work, clustered-dot halftoning.

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Jiayin Liu, Altyngul Jumabayeva, Yujian Xu, Yin Wang, Tal Frank, Shani Gat, Orel Bat Mor, Yotam Ben-Shoshan, Robert Ulichney, Jan Allebach, "New results for aperiodic, clustered-dot halftoningin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Color Imaging XXV: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications,  2020,  pp 195-1 - 195-8,

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Electronic Imaging
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