augmented realityartartificial neural networksArt, aesthetics, and emotionautomated facial detectionart historyartificial intelligence
contrast sensitivitycolor compositioncyber sicknessContextcolor distribution
Deep neural networks
Fundamental vision, perception, cognition researchFlickerflickerfacesface perception in the blind
gaze tracking
Human visionhuman perceptionhuman vision
image quality analysisImage qualityimage qualityITS4S Dataset
mean opinion scoremotion sicknessMirror Replacementmachine perceptionmixed realitymultisensory face perceptionmaximum likelihood estimation
no reference metricnon-visual face perceptionNRnon-visual face empathy
Observers BehaviorOmnidirectional VideosObjective Quality Measuresopen source
psychophysicsperceptionPerceptual approaches to image qualityPsychophysicsposturepsychophysical methods
qualityQuality of Experiencequality of experienceQuality PerceptionQoE
Subjective Qualityshapesubjective experimentskinSubjective evaluationsubject rejectionSubjective Assessment ProtocolSpatial ActivitystereopsisSimulator Sicknessscale
temporal pooling methodtexture structure
Visual and cognitive issues in imaging and analysisvisual modelVideo Qualityvirtual realityvision assessmentvideo qualityVisual human factors of traditional and head-mounted displaysVideo quality assessmentVR/360° videosvideo quality analysisVision, audition, haptics, multisensoryVMAF metric
3D objects360-video3D and 2D3D
Month and year
  21  2
Pages A11-1 - A11-7,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2020
  38  4
Pages 68-1 - 68-6,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 32
Issue 11

The Video Multimethod Assessment Fusion (VMAF) method, proposed by Netflix, offers an automated estimation of perceptual video quality for each frame of a video sequence. Then, the arithmetic mean of the per-frame quality measurements is taken by default, in order to obtain an estimate of the overall Quality of Experience (QoE) of the video sequence. In this paper, we validate the hypothesis that the arithmetic mean conceals the bad quality frames, leading to an overestimation of the provided quality. We also show that the Minkowski mean (appropriately parametrized) approximates well the subjectively measured QoE, providing superior Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient (SRCC), Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC), and Root-Mean-Square-Error (RMSE) scores.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2020
  74  10
Pages 69-1 - 69-7,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 32
Issue 11

In recent years, with the introduction of powerful HMDs such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive Pro, the QoE that can be achieved with VR/360° videos has increased substantially. Unfortunately, no standardized guidelines, methodologies and protocols exist for conducting and evaluating the quality of 360° videos in tests with human test subjects. In this paper, we present a set of test protocols for the evaluation of quality of 360° videos using HMDs. To this aim, we review the state-of-the-art with respect to the assessment of 360° videos summarizes their results. Also, we summarize the methodological approaches and results taken for different subjective experiments at our lab under different contextual conditions. In the first two experiments 1a and 1b, the performance of two different subjective test methods, Double-Stimulus Impairment Scale (DSIS) and Modified Absolute Category Rating (M-ACR) was compared under different contextual conditions. In experiment 2, the performance of three different subjective test methods, DSIS, M-ACR and Absolute Category Rating (ACR) was compared this time without varying the contextual conditions. Building on the reliability and general applicability of the procedure across different tests, a methodological framework for 360° video quality assessment is presented in this paper. Besides video or media quality judgments, the procedure comprises the assessment of presence and simulator sickness, for which different methods were compared. Further, the accompanying head-rotation data can be used to analyze both content- and quality-related behavioural viewing aspects. Based on the results, the implications of different contextual settings are discussed.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2020
  136  14
Pages 91-1 - 91-7,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 32
Issue 11

The research domain on the Quality of Experience (QoE) of 2D video streaming has been well established. However, a new video format is emerging and gaining popularity and availability: VR 360-degree video. The processing and transmission of 360-degree videos brings along new challenges such as large bandwidth requirements and the occurrence of different distortions. The viewing experience is also substantially different from 2D video, it offers more interactive freedom on the viewing angle but can also be more demanding and cause cybersickness. Further research on the QoE of 360-videos specifically is thus required. The goal of this study is to complement earlier research by (Tran, Ngoc, Pham, Jung, and Thank, 2017) testing the effects of quality degradation, freezing, and content on the QoE of 360-videos. Data will be gathered through subjective tests where participants watch degraded versions of 360-videos through an HMD. After each video they will answer questions regarding their quality perception, experience, perceptual load, and cybersickness. Results of the first part show overall rather low QoE ratings and it decreases even more as quality is degraded and freezing events are added. Cyber sickness was found not to be an issue.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2020
  39  7
Pages 92-1 - 92-6,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 32
Issue 11

This paper describes ongoing work within the video quality experts group (VQEG) to develop no-reference (NR) audiovisual video quality analysis (VQA) metrics. VQEG provides an open forum that encourages knowledge sharing and collaboration. The VQEG no-reference Metric (NORM) group’s goal is to develop open-source NR-VQA metrics that meet industry requirements for scope, accuracy, and capability. This paper presents industry specifications from discussions at VQEG face-to-face meetings among industry, academic, and government participants. This paper also announces an open software framework for collaborative development of NR image quality Analysis (IQA) and VQA metrics <ext-link ext-link-type="url" xlink:href=""><></ext-link>. This framework includes the support tools necessary to begin research and avoid common mistakes. VQEG’s goal is to produce a series of NR-VQA metrics with progressively improving scope and accuracy. This work draws upon and enables IQA metric research, as both use the human visual system to analyze the quality of audiovisual media on modern displays. Readers are invited to participate.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2020
  143  2
Pages 93-1 - 93-7,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 32
Issue 11

Large subjectively annotated datasets are crucial to the development and testing of objective video quality measures (VQMs). In this work we focus on the recently released ITS4S dataset. Relying on statistical tools, we show that the content of the dataset is rather heterogeneous from the point of view of quality assessment. Such diversity naturally makes the dataset a worthy asset to validate the accuracy of video quality metrics (VQMs). In particular we study the ability of VQMs to model the reduction or the increase of the visibility of distortion due to the spatial activity in the content. The study reveals that VQMs are likely to overestimate the perceived quality of processed video sequences whose source is characterized by few spatial details. We then propose an approach aiming at modeling the impact of spatial activity on distortion visibility when objectively assessing the visual quality of a content. The effectiveness of the proposal is validated on the ITS4S dataset as well as on the Netflix public dataset.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2020
  76  13
Pages 128-1 - 128-7,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 32
Issue 11

This paper presents a study on Quality of Experience (QoE) evaluation of 3D objects in Mixed Reality (MR) scenarios. In particular, a subjective test was performed with Microsoft HoloLens, considering different degradations affecting the geometry and texture of the content. Apart from the analysis of the perceptual effects of these artifacts, given the need for recommendations for subjective assessment of immersive media, this study was also aimed at: 1) checking the appropriateness of a single stimulus methodology (ACR-HR) for these scenarios where observers have less references than with traditional media, and 2) analyzing the possible impact of environment lighting conditions on the quality evaluation of 3D objects in mixed reality (MR), and 3) benchmark state-of-the-art objective metrics in this context. The subjective results provide insights for recommendations for subjective testing in MR/AR, showing that ACR-HR can be used in similar QoE tests and reflecting the influence among the lighting conditions, the content characteristics, and the type of degradations. The objective results show an acceptable performance of perceptual metrics for geometry quantization artifacts and point out the need of further research on metrics covering both geometry and texture compression degradations.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2020
  39  12
Pages 129-1 - 129-10,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 32
Issue 11

This work examines the different terminology used for defining gaze tracking technology and explores the different methodologies used for describing their respective accuracy. Through a comparative study of different gaze tracking technologies, such as infrared and webcam-based, and utilising a variety of accuracy metrics, this work shows how the reported accuracy can be misleading. The lack of intersection points between the gaze vectors of different eyes (also known as convergence points) in definitions has a huge impact on accuracy measures and directly impacts the robustness of any accuracy measuring methodology. Different accuracy metrics and tracking definitions have been collected and tabulated to more formally demonstrate the divide in definitions.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2020
  42  0
Pages 130-1 - 130-8,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 32
Issue 11

The last decades witnessed an increasing number of works aiming at proposing objective measures for media quality assessment, i.e. determining an estimation of the mean opinion score (MOS) of human observers. In this contribution, we investigate a possibility of modeling and predicting single observer’s opinion scores rather than the MOS. More precisely, we attempt to approximate the choice of one single observer by designing a neural network (NN) that is expected to mimic that observer behavior in terms of visual quality perception. Once such NNs (one for each observer) are trained they can be looked at as “virtual observers” as they take as an input information about a sequence and they output the score that the related observer would have given after watching that sequence. This new approach allows to automatically get different opinions regarding the perceived visual quality of a sequence whose quality is under investigation and thus estimate not only the MOS but also a number of other statistical indexes such as, for instance, the standard deviation of the opinions. Large numerical experiments are performed to provide further insight into a suitability of the approach.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2020
  78  13
Pages 131-1 - 131-14,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 32
Issue 11

In a subjective experiment to evaluate the perceptual audiovisual quality of multimedia and television services, raw opinion scores offered by subjects are often noisy and unreliable. Recommendations such as ITU-R BT.500, ITU-T P.910 and ITU-T P.913 standardize post-processing procedures to clean up the raw opinion scores, using techniques such as subject outlier rejection and bias removal. In this paper, we analyze the prior standardized techniques to demonstrate their weaknesses. As an alternative, we propose a simple model to account for two of the most dominant behaviors of subject inaccuracy: bias (aka systematic error) and inconsistency (aka random error). We further show that this model can also effectively deal with inattentive subjects that give random scores. We propose to use maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) to jointly estimate the model parameters, and present two numeric solvers: the first based on the Newton-Raphson method, and the second based on alternating projection. We show that the second solver can be considered as a generalization of the subject bias removal procedure in ITU-T P.913. We compare the proposed methods with the standardized techniques using real datasets and synthetic simulations, and demonstrate that the proposed methods have advantages in better model-data fit, tighter confidence intervals, better robustness against subject outliers, shorter runtime, the absence of hard coded parameters and thresholds, and auxiliary information on test subjects. The source code for this work is open-sourced at

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2020


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