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Volume: 31 | Article ID: art00025
Development of a Camera-Based Projection Mapping System for Non-Flat Surfaces
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2019.3.SDA-660  Published OnlineJanuary 2019

While most conventional projection surfaces are flat, there are many situations where the surfaces are uniquely shaped – such as the Cylinder display at the Curtin University HIVE visualisation facility. This paper describes a student project to develop a system which will automatically generate a set of warp-blend meshes for multiple projectors so that the projected output will have correct display geometry across the full projection surface. The HIVE Cylinder display consists of a 180° half-cylinder display surface with 8 m diameter and 3 m height. Three projectors illuminate the display surface and the display is stereoscopic capable using framesequential 3D and LC shutter glasses. The software works by sending a series of calibration test patterns to the projectors, which are photographed by a camera, processed to calculate a projection map, output as a set of warp-blend meshes, which will result in a continuous screen surface that appears to have correct geometry to an observer at a predefined location. The project has been undertaken by a group of students working on several modular components of the overall system: Camera to Computer Interface, Image Generator, Image Processor, Geometry Computation, and Warp-Blend Output.

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Daniel Adams, Tri Tai Steven Pham, Kale Watts, Subhash Ramakrishnan, Emily Ackland, Ham Tran Ly, Joshua Hollick, Andrew Woods, "Development of a Camera-Based Projection Mapping System for Non-Flat Surfacesin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXX,  2019,  pp 660-1 - 660-8,

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Electronic Imaging
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