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Volume: 31 | Article ID: art00005
3D TV Based on Spatial Imaging
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2019.3.SDA-626  Published OnlineJanuary 2019

We are studying a three-dimensional (3D) TV system based on a spatial imaging method for the development of a new type of broadcasting that delivers a strong sense of presence. This spatial imaging method can reproduce natural glasses-free 3D images in accordance with the viewer’s position by faithfully reproducing light rays from an object. One challenge to overcome is that the 3D TV system based on spatial imaging requires a huge number of pixels to obtain high-quality 3D images. Therefore, we applied ultra-high-definition video technologies to a 3D TV system to improve the image quality. We developed a 3D camera system to capture multi-view images of large moving objects and calculate high-precision light rays for reproducing the 3D images. We also developed a 3D display using multiple high-definition display devices to reproduce light rays of high-resolution 3D images. The results show that our 3D display can display full-parallax 3D images with a resolution of more than 330,000 pixels.

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Masahiro Kawakita, Hisayuki Sasaki, Naoto Okaichi, Masanori Kano, Hayato Watanabe, Takuya Omura, Tomoyuki Mishina, "3D TV Based on Spatial Imagingin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXX,  2019,  pp 626-1 - 626-6,

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Electronic Imaging
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