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Volume: 31 | Article ID: art00007
From stixels to asteroids: Towards a collision warning system using stereo vision
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2019.15.AVM-034  Published OnlineJanuary 2019

This paper explores the use of stixels in a probabilistic stereo vision-based collision-warning system that can be part of an ADAS for intelligent vehicles. In most current systems, collision warnings are based on radar or on monocular vision using pat- tern recognition (and ultra-sound for park assist). Since detect- ing collisions is such a core functionality of intelligent vehicles, redundancy is key. Therefore, we explore the use of stereo vi- sion for reliable collision prediction. Our algorithm consists of a Bayesian histogram filter that provides the probability of collision for multiple interception regions and angles towards the vehicle. This could additionally be fused with other sources of informa- tion in larger systems. Our algorithm builds upon the dispar- ity Stixel World that has been developed for efficient automotive vision applications. Combined with image flow and uncertainty modeling, our system samples and propagates asteroids, which are dynamic particles that can be utilized for collision prediction. At best, our independent system detects all 31 simulated collisions (2 false warnings), while this setting generates 12 false warnings on the real-world data.

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Willem P. Sanberg, Gijs Dubbelman, Peter H.N. de With, "From stixels to asteroids: Towards a collision warning system using stereo visionin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Autonomous Vehicles and Machines Conference,  2019,  pp 34-1 - 34-7,

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Electronic Imaging
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