Anyone has the original color world. There is it whether our problem, it are the things that original sense of color is native whether it is an acquired thing. Red is not a color that stands out brightly for dichromatic individuals who have a different sense of color from the majority. However, they know that the color of passion is red. They also know that the color of sadness is of bluish color. But these understandings are learned a posteriori. If so, there must be a discrepancy in terms of the impression between the stimulation of letters by the color name and the stimulation by color itself. Impression is also expected to be different between the majority and the minority. This study conducted the impression survey by SD method using stimulations by letters and colors to understand instinctively the color world as seen by individuals with different sensation of color.
Yasuyo G ICHIHARA, "Impression Evaluation between Color Vision Types - Blue Considered Lively by Elderly People –" in Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Color Imaging XXIV: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, 2019, pp 92-1 - 92-7,