Month and year
  23  1
Pages 556-1 - 556-4,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2018
Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2018
  63  10
Pages 100-1 - 100-16,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2018
Volume 30
Issue 6

The aim of this paper is to give a bibliographic review of the growing number of different Cybersecurity and Forensic Challenges for educational and vocational training purposes. Special attention is given to the hacking lab, which enables effective training in cybersecurity and computer forensics in the university environment and in vocational education and training.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2018
  49  8
Pages 114-1 - 114-8,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2018
Volume 30
Issue 6

Rapidly evolving technologies like data analysis, smartphone and web-based applications, and the Internet of things have been increasingly used for healthy living, fitness and well-being. These technologies are being utilized by various research studies to reduce obesity. This paper demonstrates design and development of a dataflow protocol that integrates several applications. After registration of a user, activity, nutrition and other lifestyle data from participants are retrieved in a centralized cloud dedicated for health promotion. In addition, users are provided accounts in an e-Learning environment from which learning outcomes can be retrieved. Using the proposed system, health promotion campaigners have the ability to provide feedback to the participants using a dedicated messaging system. Participants authorize the system to use their activity data for the program participation. The implemented system and servicing protocol minimize personnel overhead of large-scale health promotion campaigns and are scalable to assist automated interventions, from automated data retrieval to automated messaging feedback. This paper describes end-to-end workflow of the proposed system. The case study tests are carried with Fitbit Flex2 activity trackers, Withings Scale, Verizon Android-based tablets, Moodle learning management system, and Articulate RISE for learning content development.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2018
  20  4
Pages 115-1 - 115-11,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2018
Volume 30
Issue 6

The use of mobile and web tools in health care has greatly improved interactions between doctors, patients and healthcare professionals in the past few years. According to the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA) almost 75% of the 296,980 women in the United States that are diagnosed with breast cancer will have hormone receptor-positive breast cancers. Endocrine hormonal therapy (EHT) is very effective for nearly all women with hormone-receptive positive tumours and is the most widely prescribed one. The dedicated use and adherence to this therapy for 5 years has also shown larger reduction in recurrence [6]. However, even with such proven benefits, the adherence is limited to just 33% of all the women who are prescribed. In such cases, the use of interactive easy-to-use apps would promote and improve adherence [2]. Such apps should enable fast responses to patient queries, guide patients through treatment, help them understand symptoms, motivate them through educational content, and prompt interaction with their peers. In this paper, we describe an approach for accelerating app prototyping using the existing Google Android platform and converting it to a cross-platform web application thereafter. Google Firebase [1] is used as a database server to assist in monitoring and sending notifications to users without compromising the safety and security of patients' data. The proposed system and approach can also be further tailored for similar technology-assisted health promotion and intervention studies. The effectiveness of the approach is evaluated through a randomized controlled study with breast cancer patients conducted by the UTHSCSA research team.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2018
  19  7
Pages 116-1 - 116-4,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2018
Volume 30
Issue 6

The integration of telemedicine in primary care is a focus in industrial as well as developing countries. Only a few physicians are available in rural areas. With the strategy of service-levels, this problem is solvable: Nurses or medical streetworker are supported in their work by a telemedical system. A standardized and very fast input of symptoms via barcodes is the basis for an intelligent triage system. For each patient, the triage system gives feedback, whether an escalation is necessary. The triage system is adaptable for various use cases and medical domains.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2018
  73  16
Pages 117-1 - 117-11,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2018
Volume 30
Issue 6

The ability for any company to efficiently interact with customers, process their requests quickly, troubleshoot problems, shortly speaking – to be "agile" in company customer interaction, is one of important keys to its success. The ways of how businesses are interacting with their customers, the way they are advertising their product has been changed and improved drastically and gone to another level with appearance of the Internet, mobile technologies and Artificial Intelligence systems. During last decade, it became even possible to offload the part of interaction with client from human to machine. Businesses and companies who use this type of approach are capable to keep 24/7 availability for their customers/clients, which in the end helps to increase number of customers, maintain efficiently existing ones and continuously improve product quality based on more structured and organized conversation data analysis. In this paper the following topics will be covered: business-to-business (B2B) communication aspects, chatbots and their usage as a tool for providing businesses with ability to interact more efficiently with their clients (B2B and B2C interactions), and discussion of chatbot creation platforms that support Facebook and integrate in social network's environment. Current work represents an analysis of three chatbot creation and management web platforms: Chatfuel, ManyChat and "It's Alive!". After that, this work gives comparative analysis of each of these platforms' capabilities, strengths and limitations.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2018
  43  6
Pages 136-1 - 136-14,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2018
Volume 30
Issue 6

Since the introduction of WebGL in 2011, the web browser evolved into a new and promising platform for high-performance 3D games. One of the most common game elements is heightmapbased terrain, but due to the limited expressiveness of this approach, the need for more sophisticated solutions becomes apparent. Many techniques exist that can convert an implicit surface into an approximated polygonal mesh. However, the actual application of such algorithms in a real-time environment, especially on mobile devices, where render time is of utmost importance has not been investigated sufficiently in the literature yet. The present work outlines the implementation of a multithreaded volumetric terrain engine using the 3D rendering framework Three. js and sheds light on the application of contouring methods in a realtime environment where the volume frequently changes through user interaction. The final system uses the Dual Contouring surface extraction technique and maintains discrete volume data in adjacent cells which can be modified on the fly using Constructive Solid Geometry. Furthermore, the performance of the engine is evaluated to determine its suitability for mobile devices.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2018
  93  20
Pages 138-1 - 138-13,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2018
Volume 30
Issue 6

Color is an important aspect of the camera quality. Above all in a Visual Effects Pipeline (VFX) it is necessary to maintain a linear relationship of the pixel color in the recorded image to the original light of the scene throughout every step in the production pipeline. This means that the plate recorded by the camera is not permitted to be subject of changes in any way (,,do no harm to the plate"). Unfortunately most of the camera vendors are applying certain functions during the input step to the recorded RAW material, mostly to meet the needs of the display devices at the end of the pipeline. But they also are adding functions to establish a certain look the camera company is associated with. Maintaining a linear relationship to the light of the scene enables compositing artists and editors to combine imagery of varying sources (mostly cameras of different vendors). The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science (AMPAS) established an Academy Color Encoding System (ACES). To achieve a linear relationship to the light of the scene, Input Device Transforms (IDTs) for most of the digital film cameras have been provided recently. Unfortunately, such IDTs are not available for nearly all consumer and DSLR cameras. To add their imagery to the film production pipeline it is desirable to create convenient IDTs for such devices as well. The goal of this paper is to record the spectral distribution of a GreagMacbeth ColorChecker using a spectrometer and also photography it with a Canon EOS 5D Mark III camera under the same lighting conditions. The RAW image is then converted to ACES color spacers (ACES2065-1 or ACEScg) using industrial approved RAW converters. The positions of the patches of the ColorChecker in CIEYxy color space are then compared to the positions of the patches captured by the spectral device. As a result a tendency could be obtained if the camera can be used inside the AMPAS ACES workflow.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2018
  53  6
Pages 139-1 - 139-11,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2018
Volume 30
Issue 6

The RED film cameras are important for professional film productions. Therefore, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science (AMPAS) inserted to their new Input Device Transforms (IDTs) in ACES 1.0.3 among others a couple of conversions from RED color spaces. These transforms are intended to establish a linear relationship of the recorded pixel color to the original light of the scene. To achieve this goal the IDTs are applied to the different RED color spaces, which are provided by the camera manufacturer. This results in a linearization of the recorded image colors. Following this concept the conversion should render comparable results for each color space with an acceptable deviation from the original light of the scene. In color science color space conversions need a documentation of the three main components of the individual color spaces: primaries, whitepoint and transfer function. For the RED colorspaces in question these parameters are only available for the REDWideGamutRGB color space, whereas the other color spaces are not documented. For this reason the behavior of the color conversion can only be tested, but not calculated. The goal of this paper is to compare the results of the color conversions of the main RED color spaces: REDWideGamutRGB, REDcolor4 and REDdragoncolor2. Additionally a conversion to the for television usage important color space REC2020 (ITU-R BT.2020) is added. The test setup contains a GretagMacbeth ColorChecker, which is recorded by a RED Scarlet-X camera and a mobile spectrometer (rgbphotonics Qmini). The latter captures the spectral distribution of the individual ColorChecker patches under the same lighting conditions. To compare the results, the recordings of both devices were converted to the CIE xy-chromaticity diagram using The Foundry Nuke11X. Additionally a comparison to reference data provided by the ACES document TB- 2014-004 is included. Finally it is reviewed if the ACES IDT concept is working for the RED Scarlet-X camera.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2018
  18  2
Pages 406-1 - 406-7,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2018
Volume 30
Issue 6

This paper deals with the description of our new development of a mobile system for general practitioners and doctors' practices. It is Intended to simplify the complex and error-prone work process of a home visit to patients and to Ensure a high degree of accuracy and correctness. The system besteht of a technical device (similar in size to a smartphone) and a customized software. The hardware component is to realize the connection and reading of the medical analyzers used in the practices (eg. Blood glucose, blood lipids, blood oxygen equipment, etc.). The software component is Intended to Ensure the secure, paperless exchange of information between home doctors and doctors' offices in the field of external use and laboratories.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2018


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