The concepts of immersion and presence are complementary in the field of Virtual Reality research. Immersion is indeed a necessary and non-sufficient condition for the sensation of presence, this latter being also linked to psychological and contextual factors. In our experimental approach, we focus mainly on spatial presence (the sensation of being "there" in the virtual environment). Spatial presence is dependent on cognitive and sensorimotor aspects of navigation and manipulation within virtual environments. More precisely, we focus on behavioral presence, the fact that participants in virtual reality experiences behave in a manner similar to their behavior in a real environment. In this sense, presence appears as a relevant concept, to evaluate the psychological and behavioral validity of human behavior within virtual environments, with respect to reality. Through different experimental studies dealing with human spatial behavior and using different VR setups, our behavioral approach to presence is presented and discussed. An application case will be also presented, suggesting that presence is also related to visuo-proprioceptive coherency.
Daniel R. Mestre, "Presence in Virtual Reality: insights from fundamental and applied research" in Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality, 2018, pp 433-1 - 433-5,