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Volume: 30 | Article ID: art00003
Multi-Level Machine Learning-based Early Termination in VP9 Partition Search
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2018.2.VIPC-154  Published OnlineJanuary 2018

In VP9 , a 64×64 superblock can be recursively decomposed all the way to blocks of size 4×4 . The encoder performs the encoding process for each possible partitioning and the optimal one is selected by minimizing the rate and distortion cost. This scheme ensures the encoding quality, but also brings in large computational complexity and substantial CPU resources. In this paper, to speed up the partition search without sacrificing the quality, we propose a multi-level machine learning-based early termination scheme. One weighted Support Vector Machine classifier is trained for each block size. The binary classifiers are used to determine that provided a block, whether it is necessary to continue the search down to smaller blocks, or to perform the early termination and take the current block size as the final one. Moreover, the classifiers are trained with varying error-tolerance for different block sizes, i.e., a stricter error-tolerance is adopted for larger block size compared with the smaller ones to control the encoder performance drop. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that for HD and 4K videos, the proposed framework accomplishes remarkable speed-up (20-25%) with less than 0.03% performance drop measured in the Bjøntegaard delta bit rate (BDBR) compared with current VP9 codebase.

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Yang Xian, Yunqing Wang, Yingli Tian, Yaowu Xu, Jim Bankoski, "Multi-Level Machine Learning-based Early Termination in VP9 Partition Searchin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Visual Information Processing and Communication IX,  2018,  pp 154-1 - 154-5,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2018
Electronic Imaging
Society for Imaging Science and Technology