The task of edge restoration is important aspect of automatic information processing systems. We have developed algorithm for automatic computation of equidistant curve on the image with blurred contours. The algorithm is based on the use of linear operators on matrices. First we introduce the basic notation and mathematical model of blurred image. Then we describe developed mathematical tool to accomplish this task. We present block diagram of the algorithm and proposed restrictions on its application. We have tested our approach on the set of test images and it has shown promising results on the task of equidistant curve computation for the image with blurred contours.
Semenishchev Evgeny Semenishchev, Igor Shraifel, Voronin Viacheslav, Epishina Ekaterina, "Computation of equidistant curve for the image with blurred contours" in Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Mobile Devices and Multimedia: Enabling Technologies, Algorithms, and Applications, 2017, pp 90 - 96,