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Volume: 29 | Article ID: art00003
Virtual Reality Instructional Modules in Education Based on Gaming Metaphor
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2017.3.ERVR-090  Published OnlineJanuary 2017

Virtual reality instructional modules are widely recognized in academia because they engage students and motivate them to learn by hands-on experience. For this reason, we have developed virtual reality instructional (VRI) modules for the teaching loops and Arrays that can provide a better understanding of the concept than with a traditional instruction approach. This paper focuses on the development and evaluation of the VRI gaming module, which adds more inquiry-based problem-solving activities and hands-on experiences based on gaming and virtual reality. VRI modules are designed to encourage faculty to teach and motivate students to learn the concepts of loops and Arrays using interactive, graphical, game-like examples. The VRI modules act as a supplement to an existing course and enables faculty to explore teaching with a gametheme metaphor. We have evaluated the VRI modules in introductory programming courses during the semesters for computer science students. The student survey baseline results demonstrate positive student perceptions about the use of gaming instructional modules to advance student learning and understanding of the concepts. The results of the evaluation of VRI modules also demonstrate the effectiveness of instructional modules and the possibility to include them in the existing curriculum with minimum alterations to the existing established course material.

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Sharad Sharma, Emmanuel Ossuetta, "Virtual Reality Instructional Modules in Education Based on Gaming Metaphorin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality,  2017,  pp 11 - 18,

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