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Volume: 29 | Article ID: art00019
Page Classification for Print Imaging Pipeline
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2017.18.COLOR-046  Published OnlineJanuary 2017

Digital copiers and printers are widely used nowadays. One of the most important things people care about is copying or printing quality. In order to improve it, we previously came up with an SVM-based classification method to classify images with only text, only pictures or a mixture of both based on the fact that modern copiers and printers are equipped with processing pipelines designed specifically for different kinds of images. However, in some other applications, we need to distinguish more than three classes. In this paper, we develop a more advanced SVM-based classification method using four more new features to classify 5 types of images which are text, picture, mixed, receipt and highlight.

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Shaoyuan Xu, Cheng Lu, Mark Shaw, Peter Bauer, Jan Allebach, "Page Classification for Print Imaging Pipelinein Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Color Imaging XXII: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications,  2017,  pp 137 - 142,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2017
Electronic Imaging
Society for Imaging Science and Technology