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Volume: 28 | Article ID: art00027
Stereoscopic Space Map – Semi-immersive Configuration of 3D-stereoscopic Tours in Multi-display Environments
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2016.5.SDA-429  Published OnlineFebruary 2016

Although large-scale stereoscopic 3D environments like CAVEs are a favorable location for group presentations, the perspective projection and stereoscopic optimization usually follows a navigator-centric approach. Therefore, these presentations are usually accompanied by strong side-effects, such as motion sickness which is often caused by a disturbed stereoscopic vision. The reason is that the stereoscopic visualization is usually optimized for the only head-tracked person in the CAVE – the navigator – ignoring the needs of the real target group – the audience. To overcome this misconception, this work proposes an alternative to the head tracking-based stereoscopic effect optimization. By using an interactive virtual overview map in 3D, the pre-tour and on-tour configuration of the stereoscopic effect is provided, partly utilizing our previously published interactive projection plane approach. This Stereoscopic Space Map is visualized by the zSpace 200®, whereas the virtual world is shown on a panoramic 330° CAVE2TM. A pilot expert study with eight participants was conducted using pre-configured tours through 3D models. The comparison of the manual and automatic stereoscopic adjustment showed that the proposed approach is an appropriate alternative to the nowadays commonly used head tracking-based stereoscopic adjustment.

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Björn Sommer, Andreas Hamacher, Owen Kaluza, Tobias Czauderna, Matthias Klapperstück, Niklas Biere, Marco Civico, Bruce Thomas, David G Barnes, Falk Schreiber, "Stereoscopic Space Map – Semi-immersive Configuration of 3D-stereoscopic Tours in Multi-display Environmentsin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVII,  2016,

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