In this paper we present a high capacity data hiding method for 3D meshes. The proposed method is blind and orders selected vertices from the 3D object's mesh based on a pseudo random path. When a vertex is added to the path we embed a part of the message by displacing its location according to the location of another vertex called reference vertex. We solve the causality issue by removing certain vertices which would otherwise interfere with the path of selected vertices, during the message retrieval stage. Then we fill the resulting holes by remeshing. During the experiments, high bit capacity messages are embedded in several 3D objects. These messages are hidden under high levels of security while causing negligible surface distortions.
V. Itier, A.G. Bors, W. Puech, J.-P. Pedeboy, "Secure High Capacity Data Hiding for 3d Meshes" in Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: 3D Image Processing, Measurement (3DIPM), and Applications, 2016,