The conventional Viola-Jones face detector may fail to detect faces under severe illumination conditions. The proposed method is based on the difference of Gaussian (DoG) that has been widely used to compensate for illumination effects. In the proposed method, we combine an original
image and its DoG-filtered image, as a linear combination. This operation removed some illumination effects and improved face detection performance. Using the YCbCr color space, a skin color validation procedure was applied after face candidates were obtained using the proposed detector. Experiments
using the Bao database showed that the proposed methods reduced over 50% of false positives.
Journal Title : Electronic Imaging
Publisher Name : Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Publisher Location : 7003 Kilworth Lane, Springfield, VA 22151 USA
Sanghun Lee, Chulhee Lee, "Illumination Normalization and Skin Color Validation for Robust Face Detection" in Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Computational Imaging XIV,2016,
Illumination Normalization and Skin Color Validation for Robust Face Detection
The conventional Viola-Jones face detector may fail to detect faces under severe illumination conditions. The proposed method is based on the difference of Gaussian (DoG) that has been widely used to compensate for illumination effects. In the proposed method, we combine an original
image and its DoG-filtered image, as a linear combination. This operation removed some illumination effects and improved face detection performance. Using the YCbCr color space, a skin color validation procedure was applied after face candidates were obtained using the proposed detector. Experiments
using the Bao database showed that the proposed methods reduced over 50% of false positives.