A watermark is a subtle pattern on images or documents to prevent counterfeiting. For color 3D models, it is feasible for add watermarks on either texture images or vertex colors, as well. We propose a hidden watermark method by superimposing a just noticeable difference pattern
on 3D color models. The color difference on the watermark is too small to be noticed and it will be enlarged under specific lighting conditions in the computer graphics environment. This idea is very similar to the anticounterfeit label on most banknotes. Thus, the watermark is almost invisible
when rendering under formal white lights, but visible under violet lights.
Journal Title : Electronic Imaging
Publisher Name : Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Publisher Location : 7003 Kilworth Lane, Springfield, VA 22151 USA
Hidden Watermark of 3D Models by Just Noticeable Color Difference
A watermark is a subtle pattern on images or documents to prevent counterfeiting. For color 3D models, it is feasible for add watermarks on either texture images or vertex colors, as well. We propose a hidden watermark method by superimposing a just noticeable difference pattern
on 3D color models. The color difference on the watermark is too small to be noticed and it will be enlarged under specific lighting conditions in the computer graphics environment. This idea is very similar to the anticounterfeit label on most banknotes. Thus, the watermark is almost invisible
when rendering under formal white lights, but visible under violet lights.