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Volume: 28 | Article ID: art00004
Image Sensor with Organic Photoconductive Films by Stacking Red/Green and Blue Components
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2016.12.IMSE-264  Published OnlineFebruary 2016

We present a novel single-chip color image sensor with a layered structure of three organic photoconductive films (OPFs), each one sensitive to only one primary color (red, green, or blue). First, we fabricate a red/green component consisting of two OPFs sensitive to red and green colors and transparent readout circuits on a glass substrate for red and green color imaging. Then, we fabricate a blue component consisting of an OPF sensitive to blue color and a transparent readout circuit on another glass substrate for blue color imaging. Finally, we stack the fabricated components in layers. As a result, we obtain color images with 128 × 96 pixels through a shooting experiment of the stacked structure.

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T Takagi, H Seo, T Sakai, H Ohtake, M Furuta, "Image Sensor with Organic Photoconductive Films by Stacking Red/Green and Blue Componentsin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Image Sensors and Imaging Systems,  2016,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2016
Electronic Imaging
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