This paper proposes a method for recording and rendering of art paints using both shape and spectral reflectance properties of the object surfaces. A laser range finder is used for measuring the surface shape. A six-channel camera is used as a multiband camera for spectral imaging. We propose a method for precisely estimating surface-spectral reflectance using a set of the reflectance observed at different illumination directions and the constructed shape of the object surface. At the rendering stage, we use a 3D light reflection model for creating computer graphics images. The recovered object shape and spectral reflectance are combined for synthesizing object images under arbitrary conditions of illumination and viewing. Experiment results using an oil painting of a natural scene are shown.
Shop Tominaga, Toshinori Matsumoto, Norihiro Tanaka, "3D Recording and Rendering of Art Paintings" in Proc. IS&T 9th Color and Imaging Conf., 2001, pp 337 - 341,