A color profile that is suitable for the color management of LCDs is proposed. The color coordinates of primary colors and reference white of the LCDs has been reported to displace depending on its code value. These problems relate to essential characteristics of the LCDs that can only
realize a limited range of contrast. Since the conventional ICC profile cannot describe effects due to the limited range of contrast, it has been unable to provide effective color management for the LCDs. In order to realize the color management that can satisfy the actual LCD performance,
we propose following two points: (1) The tri-stimulus value (
Yasuhiro Yoshida, Yoichi Yamamoto, "Proposal for Color Management of LCD" in Proc. IS&T 9th Color and Imaging Conf., 2001, pp 233 - 238, https://doi.org/10.2352/CIC.2001.9.1.art00043