A non-linear, sigmoidal transform is applied independently to each of the three channels in sRGB, e-sRGB, ROMM, Wide Gamut RGB and a prime color based RGB space. The input data are all of the chromatic samples of the MacBeth color checker. The resulting hue errors are compared in CIELAB, CIECAM97s, IPT and the OSA-UCS. ROMM has the best hue constancy based on the CIELAB results. However, ROMM does not have the best hue constancy based on the CIECAM97s, IPT and OSA-UCS results. This implies that the hue constancy optimization will be sensitive to the color space, specifically in the blues. Previous research has shown that the CIECAM97s and IPT spaces have significantly better blue hue constancy than CIELAB. Therefore, sRGB, e-sRGB, Wide Gamut RGB and prime color RGB may have better blue constancy than ROMM. This hypothesis is verified using a constant sum paired comparison psychophysics experiment.
Nathan Moroney, Jason Gibson, "Hue Constancy of RGB Spaces" in Proc. IS&T 9th Color and Imaging Conf., 2001, pp 163 - 167, https://doi.org/10.2352/CIC.2001.9.1.art00030