Six algorithms were developed and tested for gamut mapping business graphics created on a CRT display to a printer. Psychophysical analysis showed that a variation of mapping CRT primaries to printer primaries gave the most favorable results. This transformation was in “device space” (non-colorimetric) and the colors were rotated such that monitor blue mapped between printer blue and cyan. Other algorithms tested were straight “device mapping” in which monitor blue mapped to printer blue, monitor red to printer red, etc.; nearest-point clipping in colorimetric space; centroid clipping; a tetrahedron mapping technique based on a color naming experiment; and the modified device mapping using 100% UCR. Results depended heavily on image content, but the modified device mapping gave favorable results for most images tested. Nearest-point clipping and tetrahedron mapping also showed promise.
Karen M. Braun, Raja Balasubramanian, Steven J. Harrington, "Gamut-Mapping Techniques for Business Graphics" in Proc. IS&T 7th Color and Imaging Conf., 1999, pp 149 - 154,