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Volume: 5 | Article ID: art00042
Magnitude of Color Shifts from Average-Quanta Catch Adaptation
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.1997.5.1.art00042  Published OnlineJanuary 1997

The 18 Area Color Mondrian Experiments by McCann McKee and Taylor (MMT) provided quantitative measurements of the change in color appearance caused by change in the L, M, S components of the illumination. These experiments provide a baseline for quantitative changes in appearance for color constancy conditions. The MMT experiments used the same display in five different illuminants. Therefore, the average radiance of the entire field of view changed with the illuminant composition.The experiments described in this paper uses the same papers and illuminants as in MMT. However, this time a new surround is added to shift the average radiances as much as the illuminant changed the average quanta catch. In other words, the new illuminant-equivalent-adaptation surround in constant illumination changes the adaptation the same amount as did the new illuminant. The question is, how much will adaptation change color appearance.

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John J. McCann, "Magnitude of Color Shifts from Average-Quanta Catch Adaptationin Proc. IS&T 5th Color and Imaging Conf.,  1997,  pp 215 - 220,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 1997
Color and Imaging Conference
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