Two experiments were conducted to obtain a predictive function for the effect of surround on perceived lightness contrast of pictorial images. Observers matched appearance in lightness contrast reproduction for images with an average surround and a light surround compared to images with a dark surround. Images with a light surround were compared to images with a dark surround under two room lighting conditions: light and dark. The surround effect appears to be overpredicted by currently used color-appearance model parameter values. These parameter values may be more on the order of 1.00:1.16 for lightness contrast reproduction between light-surround and dark-surround viewing conditions and 1.00:1.06 for lightness contrast reproduction between average-surround and dark-surround viewing conditions.
Cathleen M. Daniels, Edward J. Giorgianni, Mark D. Fairchild, "The Effect of Surround on Perceived Lightness Contrast of Pictorial Images" in Proc. IS&T 5th Color and Imaging Conf., 1997, pp 12 - 16,