HP and Microsoft propose the addition of support for a standard color space, sRGB, within the Microsoft OS's, HP products and the Internet. The aim of this color space is to complement the current color management strategies by enabling a third method of handling color in the OS's and the Internet that utilizes a simple and robust device independent color definition that will provide good quality and backwards compatibility with minimum transmission and system overhead. Based on a colorimetric RGB color space well suited to Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors, television, scanners, digital cameras, and printing systems, such a space can be supported with minimum cost to software and hardware vendors. Our intent here is to promote its adoption by showing the benefits of supporting a standard color space, the suitability of the standard color space we are proposing, describe some of the system issues and propose a methodology for its implementation on the Web.
Matthew Anderson, Ricardo Motta, Srinivasan Chandrasekar, Michael Stokes, "Proposal for a Standard Default Color Space for the Internet—sRGB" in Proc. IS&T 4th Color and Imaging Conf., 1996, pp 238 - 245, https://doi.org/10.2352/CIC.1996.4.1.art00061